Welcome to International Kissing Day 2023, a day dedicated to celebrating the beauty of this universal act of affection. In this exclusive web story, we will reveal 10 lesser-known and surprising facts about kissing that will leave you awestruck.  Prepare to be amazed as we dive into the fascinating world of International Kissing Day!

White Lightning

International Kissing Day originated in the United Kingdom in 2006 and has gained global recognition ever since. Mark your calendars for July 6th each year!

Fact 1 

The Origins of International Kissing Day

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Kissing not only feels great but also has health benefits. It releases endorphins, boosts the immune system, and even helps burn calories. So pucker up for good health! 

White Lightning

Fact 2

The Science  Behind a Kiss

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Imagine kissing for 58 hours, 35 minutes, and 58 seconds! That's the record for the longest kiss ever recorded. Talk about dedication and love!

White Lightning

Fact 3

The Record for the Longest Kiss 

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Philematology is the study of kissing. Discover the different types of kisses practiced worldwide and explore the intricacies of this beautiful art form.

White Lightning

Fact 4

The Art of Kissing

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A kiss can do wonders. It strengthens emotional bonds, alleviates pain, and releases oxytocin, the "love hormone." It's nature's way of promoting love and connection. 

White Lightning

Fact 5

The Power of a Kiss 

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Throughout history and in some cultures, kissing was considered taboo. Uncover the intriguing stories behind these prohibitions and witness the evolution of societal norms.

White Lightning

Fact 6

The Forbidden Kiss

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On 14 February 2009, Mexico recorded the largest simultaneous kissing event, with over 39,879 couples participating.   The event was organized by Gobierno del Distrito Federal, at the Zocalo, in Mexico DF, Mexico.  It was a breathtaking display of love and unity. 

White Lightning

Fact 7

The World's Largest Kissing Event

Image Credit- nbcnews

Explore the diverse kissing rituals across cultures, from the Eskimo kiss to the French bise. Learn how customs and traditions shape expressions of love and affection.

White Lightning

Fact 8

Kissing Rituals Around the World

Image Credit- Pixabay

Kissing plays a significant role in attraction and mate selection. Delve into the science behind kissing and its influence on compatibility and genetic bonding.

White Lightning

Fact 9

The Science of Attraction

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Humans aren't the only ones who engage in kissing-like behaviors. Discover surprising instances of affectionate gestures in the animal kingdom and witness love in its purest form.

White Lightning

Fact 10

Kissing in the Animal Kingdom

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As International Kissing Day 2023 approaches, immerse yourself in the beauty and significance of this intimate gesture.

Happy International Kissing Day! 

Remember, a kiss is  just a kiss—it's a powerful  expression of love, connection, and joy that  transcends borders and languages.